The shortages were aggravated by historic floods in the summer of 1995.
The historic flood that crept in after Hurricane Floyd is now known to have killed 37 people in North Carolina, and left about 6,000 homeless.
It has caused many historic floods, the most recent having been in 1980.
Many of these residences were damaged during the historic floods of March 2010.
From 25 July 2011 to 16 January 2012, Thailand confronted historic flood covering 65 out of the Kingdom's 77 provinces.
In 2012, Thailand was in a recovery period from the previous year's historic flood.
According to Al-Kurdī, there had been 89 historic floods by 1965, including several in the period.
It was submerged during the historic flood of 1910.
The commune was struck by historic floods in 1969.
That topped the record set in a historic flood of 1951.