And fewer of their historic farmhouses have survived, because in other regions with better economic conditions, new buildings replaced the old.
Towamencin has residential neighborhoods, historic farmhouses, recreational facilities, many schools, and open spaces.
The Anderson House is a historic farmhouse in Newark, Delaware.
The site includes of a stand of second-growth Douglas-fir and a historic farmhouse.
Camp in the grounds of a historic farmhouse surrounded by tropical gardens.
Three centuries of New Hampshire rural life are presented in the historic farmhouse.
The homes there are a mix of styles including Tudors, colonials, historic farmhouses and Victorians.
She lives in an historic farmhouse in western Maryland.
In a valley framed by rugged mountains not far from where the Indian and Atlantic oceans meet, historic white farmhouses dot vast fields of grapes.
There is also the open-air Museum of Kuusamo housed in a historic farmhouse has been established.