With this historic expedition, they have set the record for being the first military team to have successfully completed a ski traverse to the Geographic South Pole.
The historic expedition and its volatile leader.
A 70-passenger ship follows a portion of Lewis and Clark's historic expedition along the Columbia and Snake rivers.
Williams was with Joseph Walker's historic expedition which found, but did not enter, the Yosemite Valley.
The young bugler was a member of the historic expedition which captured the Confederate president, Jefferson Davis.
This book is both a chronicle of a historic expedition and a portrait of Meriwether Lewis.
This cultural venue also holds a combination of ancient and modern weapons that takes the visitors on a historic expedition.
Benirall is the architect of a historic expedition.
In 1928, he carried the Society's flag during a historic expedition to the Antarctic to dramatize the spirit of adventure into the unknown, characterizing both the natural and social sciences.
Put-in is at Expedition Island, where John Wesley Powell began his historic expedition on the Green and Colorado Rivers.