This was accomplished in cooperation with others who did not oppose the historic episcopate through the Solid Rock Lutherans organization.
The historic episcopate was preserved.
After two years these talks arrived at no concrete conclusion because the Episcopalians insisted on the historic episcopate.
Luther's followers in continental Europe were often opposed by the bishops, prompting many Lutheran churches to create governing offices outside the historic episcopate.
Those against the proposal generally cited their opposition to the historic episcopate, while those who supported it often appealed to the ideal of Christian unity.
These three consecrated bishops returned to Lititz and then ordained other Moravians, thereby preserving the historic episcopate.
One of the most difficult issues concerning recognition and reconciliation of ministries was that of the historic episcopate.
Concerns over the historic episcopate have been sidelined since 2008, though they may re-emerge.
This group maintained Hussite theology (which would later lean towards Lutheran teachings), while maintaining the historic episcopate, even during their persecution.
The historic episcopate, locally adapted.