H Map Among the historic cafes where you can taste chocolate in all its guises are Baratti & Milano, with a stunning interior dating back to 1858.
Turin's historic cafes, some of which date back more than 200 years, are wonderful for people-watching or just plain resting.
Caffè San Marco is a historic café in Trieste, Italy.
Italians campaigned to save the historic cafe in 2013.
This historic café has seen better days, but the faded elegance of its 1870s décor makes it an appealing choice for beer or coffee.
It's Italy's fourth-largest city and has an illustrious past, resulting in elegant squares, world-class museums and historic cafés, flanked by some 18km of colonnaded walkways.
Here's a chance to put your feet up in the evening and people watch at a historic café.
Opened in 1876, Çiçek Pasajı is a covered arcade with rows of historic cafes, winehouses and restaurants.
But tourists may prefer to bar-hop through the town's historic cafes to try it.