Delegates hoped that this would be a historic "final act," ending more than four years of war and setting up a government of national unity.
Therefore, that title belongs to the sovereign, having been founded by a historic act, which is too well known to need recapitulation.
"Shiism, particularly Hussein's historic act of martyrdom and resistance, has both a revolutionary message and a special place in our popular culture."
That seemed to credit the Japanese with an historic act and carried with it no condemnation.
Quote from the show: "With one brave, historic act I will win your love, now and for all eternity."
This is, I believe, a historic act.
Turkey must acknowledge the Armenian genocide, a historic and symbolic act, and this will bear witness to its political maturity.
Well, Mr. Pinter observed in a recent interview that it is largely men who are responsible for historic acts of brutality.
This historic act of reunification has been rightfully recognised.
This historic act of humanity should not be tarnished either by misunderstanding or mischievous manipulation to break the bargain at the last minute.