Some local historians of Trøndelag have termed this the genocide of the Trønders.
What some historians term a refounding happened in the early ninth century by Columban monks fleeing from Iona which was repeatedly raided by the Vikings.
The New England connected farmstead, as many architectural historians have termed the style, consisted of numerous farm buildings all connected into one continuous structure.
Numerous historians have termed Cap Corse "the Sacred Promontory" and have gone so far as to suppose the name came from a high concentration of early Christian settlements.
This began the era many historians have termed the "Dominatio Cinnae" (Domination of Cinna).
These assumptions proved to be wildly optimistic, leading to what one historian termed a "fiasco" and another an "embarrassment."
They are often set in a dim and nonspecific past, what historian of religion Mircea Eliade termed in illo tempore ("at that time").
Neither of these ambitious men wanted to pass up the spotlight of what historians have termed America's first high-profile murder trial.
In the late 13th and early 14th centuries, a process took place - primarily in Italy but partly also in the Empire - that historians have termed a 'commercial revolution'.
Although the engagement, which historian J. R. Edmondson termed a "ludicrous affair", did not yield valuable plunder, it did serve to unite the Texian Army.