Other historians have reported that Luis was not in fact shot until a month later "in reprisal for an air raid".
Civilians and historians report that soldiers on both sides had raped Okinawan civilians during the battle.
The document of the foundation is not preserved, but German historians report that it was issued on 8 July 1280.
Some historians report the surviving rifles were apparently put in storage in New York.
However, historians also report that he is "perhaps the principal inhabitant even today of Mexico's black pantheon of those who failed the nation".
Several historians have reported the drama of his conviction, pardon and subsequent death during battle.
Roman historians report that he refused to accept any gifts or loans from his friends to pay the penalty.
He cited literature from the 1st century to strengthen his case that Jewish influence in Rome was far greater than historians had yet reported.
Eight months after Rush's birth, historians report that a white mob tied two black couples to a tree and killed them in a hail of gunfire.
The unit's historian reported that 2,732 missions were flown, 26 enemy planes destroyed, three probably destroyed, and ten damaged.