Some historians like Stein also propose that they were drawn from ordinary population during the time of war.
Local historians have proposed various theories for the origin of the name Neilston.
Some Canadian historians proposed the notion in the early 20th century, and it survives in public opinion in Ontario.
A priori, it seems to be the name of a place; however some historians propose that it may derive from a person's name.
Certain indigenous texts place his death at 1642, but historians have also proposed 1651 or c. 1665 as the correct date of his demise.
Other historians propose that, he reigned from 1897 or 1898 to 1923.
Other historians propose that Caittil may have been active in Wales prior to his coming to Ireland.
The historians Herodotus and Xenophon proposed an economic and social interpretation of magnificence.
Archaeologists and historians have proposed a number of theories, however, and it seems likely that there are many aspects to the stone.
Some historians have proposed that the Tribal Hidage is not a list of peoples but of administrative areas.