During Romanticism, Hungarian historians portrayed the union as an annexation of Poland into Hungary.
Many historians portray Korea as a mere transmitter of Buddhism.
And Mr. Truman was not particularly popular when he was President; only recently have historians portrayed him as a heroic figure.
Most historians portray Lee's experience with the inverted V and his illness as a great lost opportunity.
Many historians portray a vacillating Prime Minister, unable to present the necessary image of action and dynamism to the public.
Some Bulgarian historians have portrayed Veljko as a Bulgarian.
American historians have often portrayed Vergennes as a visionary, because of his support for United States independence.
Several historians of the 1960s and 1970s portrayed the Mugwumps as members of an insecure elite, one that felt threatened by changes in American society.
Many historians portray Salisbury as a talented man but also a throwback to traditional, aristocratic conservatism.
On the canvas of a whole continent, a distinguished historian portrays the expanding, reforming, self-consciously new Europe that led to where we live now.