Art historians, architects and historians lead tours, including special visits to locations normally off limits, private collections and artist studios, she said.
He served as historian for the Arctic expeditions led by Captain Joseph-Elzear Bernier in 1908-9.
Today at 11 a.m., an architectural historian from the society will lead a tour exploring the artistic and literary heritage of Gramercy Park.
The historians and philosophers occasionally led the scientists on a merry chase through foreign terrain.
Renowned jazz musicians, critics, and historians lead seminar sessions for students and others in the local jazz community.
Two historians lead free 90-minute walking tours at 12:30pm every Friday, hitting places like Grand Central Terminal's 'whispering gallery' and the Chrysler Building.
A historian, John T. Cunningham, will lead a bus tour of Newark on Sunday, tracing the city's history via its architecture, from pre-Revolutionary days to the present.
Two architectural historians will lead walking tours in Manhattan.
The main centers of scholarship have been the U.S. and Britain, where second-wave feminist historians, influenced by the new approaches promoted by social history, led the way.
The historian Alexander Mackenzie was related to Hector Roy Mackenzie of Gairloch who he claims led the Mackenzies at this battle.