Some earlier historians judged Robert II's reign somewhat prosaic and aimless and attributed this to his age when he became king.
You can condemn these defendants politically or morally, and historians may also judge them harshly.
The German dynasty's main argument - one that many historians would judge to be decisive - was that it could help Hungary fight the Ottomans.
Though historians may judge him a worse president than Nixon - some already have - at the personal level his is not a grand Shakespearean failure.
(A cautionary example: historians have judged that an ultimately indecisive battle.)
In the 20th century their contribution was so important that historians judge it substantially shortened the most terrible events in the history of mankind.
One architectural historian has judged them "excellent, if stylistically slightly eccentric".
Walter was not noted for his holiness in life or learning, but historians have judged him one of the most outstanding government ministers in English history.
Lakatos is concerned that historians of mathematics should not judge the evolution of mathematics in terms of currently fashionable theories.
The historians judged the stands each scientist took, as well as as the scientist's political and religious views, family size and 40 other variables.