Nevertheless, historians have generally acknowledged the skill, bravery, courage and ferocity fighting ability of the French in this action.
Yet the historians also acknowledge that Japan built roads, ports and schools.
In more recent years historians have acknowledged the fact that certainly during the period around 1790 skilled slaves were the only artisans in the colony.
Every historian acknowledges Hitler was a masterful orator, that doesn't mean they're praising him.
His above ideas are fringe ones and mainstream linguists, geologists and historians do not acknowledge them to be true.
Through it, they became the groundbreaking artists of their time, as future historians will surely acknowledge.
Other historians acknowledge the term's recognition of an influential trend in European philosophical, cultural and political thought during the period when Fascism was on the rise.
And only in the late 1800's did a few historians acknowledge his flaws.
Western historians have acknowledged this fact as one of the features of Ghulam Ahmad's legacy.
However, the same historian acknowledges that the original used by Reginaldo to back his claims is unknown.