His refined histological techniques and his work on both injured and normal nerve fibers became world renowned.
He studied medicine at the Collège de France under Louis-Antoine Ranvier (1835-1922) and Louis-Charles Malassez (1842-1909) where he learned histological techniques and their correlation to other medical disciplines.
Histopathology - the microscopic examination of stained tissue sections using histological techniques.
Many of the histological techniques used to study other tissues can be applied to the nervous system as well.
Kodecytes can be studied using standard histological techniques.
This can be detrimental to certain histological techniques.
Trumpas histologijos technikos vadov lis (A short manual of histological techniques) Kaunas; 1930.
Animal subjects were sacrificed at 2 and 4 weeks after implantation to quantify the tissue response with histological and immunostaining techniques.
Clarke is credited with introducing the histological technique of mounting cleared sections of tissue in balsam media.
Tissue sections were then processed and embedded in paraffin using routine histological techniques.