They wasted no time and padded on through the desolation and the hissing silence of the desert.
A hissing silence followed, and I knew that every ticking second gave the NSA longer to track the location of Rachel's cell phone.
In the hissing silence his ears still remembered the clash of theGoldenfels hitting, then hitting again.
He knew that he must fill up the hissing silence or he would go mad.
He listened to the hissing silence in the phone.
Apart from that there was silence, the loud hissing silence that comes after an ear-splattering noise, and after the actinic glare the room seemed pitch dark.
Silence answered her for a moment, the hissing silence of an open subspace channel.
Out of the hissing silence came the sound of water being poured on to the door.
We sat in a hissing silence for a while.
A long hissing silence.