He spun to see Vittoria twisting a lit blowtorch away from him, the hissing flame throwing blue light around the chapel.
Rand's gasp echoed that of the villagers, for a hissing white flame flared from each end of the staff, standing straight out like spearpoints despite the rod's whirling.
With ashen faces, Ann and Sister Alessandra stood staring at the book in the hissing flames.
As they touched the steel bolts, the hissing green flame of the copper arc shrilled into the metal, twice.
He swallowed, eyeing the hot metal around him, and the hissing flame in her hand.
He thrust the torch toward Uncle Ben, who was forced to fall backwards, out of reach of the hissing flames.
Where the tunnel opened into the great natural chimney lined with the tombs of the forgotten race, he saw his men grouped uncertainly on the floor of the pit below him, some looking at the hissing flame and some up at the stair down which they had come.
Instead, I crouched near my hissing flames, nursing my leg and keeping one hand close to a sturdy length of branch.
They moved slowly through the passages and across the open areas, their progress marked by the hissing flames of the gushguns and great splashing washes of chlorine.
Then she undid her stays, took out her dentures, and sprawled before the hissing flame of her gas fire.