In fact, three new firefighters have been hired since January.
Nearly 100 new faculty members have been hired since 2000, 34 in this past fall semester alone.
No correction officers have been hired since 1991, and the number has fallen by more than 1,000 in the last two years, to 9,529.
The companies responsible for bringing the building down were already hired since April 2010, awaiting only the end of the law processes.
Ford had not hired new workers since the late 1970's, before an industry recession forced huge layoffs.
In practice, however, hardly any new Researchers had been hired since the original process in 2002.
The union has agreed to flexible schedules, without overtime pay, for workers hired since 1987.
The paper reports that one Texas construction company has hired about 150 ex-offenders since 1992, with approximately 85 percent of those working out.
Twenty-five black faculty members have been hired since 1988, but 17 others have left.
And the clinic has hired two Spanish-speaking interpreters since 1991.