Nevertheless, the changes are good news for Ford, which is likely to hire thousands of workers the next three years.
Ford plants are operating at full capacity, and the company is expected to hire thousands of new workers in coming years.
Washington, however, is hiring thousands more bureaucrats to enforce the rules.
But it then had to hire thousands of people to help process loans.
And a third major effort, he said, was to hire thousands of federal air marshals, although the number remains classified.
Look, Microsoft hires thousands of college kids every year.
The Mayor has proposed hiring thousands of new police officers with a plan that would cost $1.8 billion over the next four years.
Then he proposed a $1.8 billion plan to hire thousands more police officers.
Reducing class size would require hiring hundreds if not thousands of teachers.
It has won special taxes to hire thousands of police officers whose hiring some city officials now wish they could delay.