Or had Mason hired local talent for just this one assignment?
He said he had noticed the greatest change when it came to hiring technical talent.
"We think globally and would like to hire talent wherever we can."
"Book companies, design companies and interactive multimedia producers, all using advanced technology, are hiring local talent."
He was dealing with what seemed to be an organized group, a group which could afford to hire local talent to do its dirty work.
He introduced the Action News format, hired young, gifted new talent and moved the station from last to first in less than a year.
He started by hiring new talent, and promoting artists to editorial positions.
Cybernation did not hire second-class talent for its key positions.
A booker can also be described as someone who recruits and/or hires talent to work in a particular promotion.
When companies look to hire new talent, they often go where they've gone before, because it's convenient.