Recommendations included affordable child care for all income levels, hiring practices that promoted equal opportunity for women, and paid maternity leave.
Office of Personnel Management: Oversees issues related to human resources, such as hiring practices, health insurance policies, and workforce performance evaluation.
They discriminate against non-Adventists in hiring practices, disciplinary action, and promotions.
The deals then transitioned primarily to learning based products, teaching customers skills such as programming languages, project management, and hiring practices.
Cynics have suggested that it is all public relations, intended to paper over hiring practices in which women have made little headway.
In 2006, a Federal investigation was launched into hiring practices at Chicago City Hall.
The young people nodded approvingly and asked savvy questions about hiring practices, competition, even new business.
The final problem Kagan attributes to the growth on AppSumo was hiring practices.
Women began penetrating the profession even though it was still largely enmeshed in discriminatory educational and hiring practices.
Three other cases illustrate hiring practices.