Lex de Haan was also responsible for hiring and mentoring new instructors.
First, just about every college and university in the country hires part-time lecturers or instructors and considers them temporary employees.
One is that schools with abundant resources hire relatively few part-time instructors.
My uncle realized several years ago that my brother would never be a scholar and allowed him to hire proper instructors.
Purdue broke ground on its first buildings and began to hire instructors.
Both universities were consulted and both offered assistance in helping plan classes and hiring instructors.
In addition, the school hires part-time instructors.
The resulting teacher shortage forced the schools to hire largely unqualified instructors.
Most charter schools prefer to hire certified instructors when they can, but the freedom to widen their search is crucial to their mission.
The university, a public institution with 12,550 students, fears it will not be able to hire enough part-time instructors to staff all undergraduate courses and sections.