The principals hired new teachers and administrators to invigorate the staff.
Edison might also be an informal adviser to the state panel, Mr. Street said, though it would not hire and fire central administrators.
In February, the district proposed hiring new administrators in subject areas, and teachers showed up at school board meetings to express their disapproval.
The new district operated under a separate, community-elected governing board with the power to hire administrators.
I am not suggesting that governing boards have hired incompetent administrators.
The superintendents, in turn, would hire principals and other top administrators for each district.
Some schools, most recently Smith College, have responded by hiring administrators to take charge of minority concerns.
The association said the college had not done enough to hire more minority faculty members and administrators or to retain minority students.
The colleges also offered broader opportunities in academia to women, hiring many female faculty members and administrators.
He was the beneficiary of a concerted push to hire more black coaches and administrators.