Chalk it up to my hippie parents.
KC stared back, wondering what Peter would really think if he ever met her hippie parents.
Marielle made the real name KC's hippie parents had given her sound like two dirty words.
She needed extra money badly, because her hippie parents, who ran a health-food restaurant back home, didn't have a penny to spare.
Not every man here was present because he'd been reared by hippie parents to love the freedom of expression inherent on a nude beach.
I just can't believe my hippie parents ever thought Fd like that T-shirt.
I thought it might impress you because it's something your hippie parents might have done.
Sky, the son of hippie parents, grew up on a commune.
They traveled frequently and received home-schooling from their self-described hippie parents.
The show was based on the experiences he shared with his wife and family of hippie parents raising children in the 1970s.