So my father would get paid in - not money - but his hippie friends would make us all sandals.
Ace visits his hippie friend again and tries find out a connection between Einhorn and Finkle looking at their credit report.
I was never a hippie, and had no hippie friends.
The show begins with two new-age hippie friends, Star Birdfeather (Sears) and Amber Windchime (Williams) driving back to Tuna, Texas at night.
Power availability is such a hard concept to grasp for our hippie friends...
A woman had been referred to him through hippie friends: she claimed that her abusive husband was actually a Russian spy, a mole.
My brother and his hippie friends staged a silent protest by walking out of class, and no one was suspended.
At a barbecue Neera's family is having, Lem tries to ask Neera on a date; but her hippie friend, Glar, keeps interrupting with his protest songs.
Blip and Sophia: The happily married hippie friends of Flake's, and parents of a daughter named Dandelion (Dandy).
"Do you remember that time Mom hauled me off to Lex-ington with that hippie friend of yours when I was little?"