Her slight build would be better displayed in delicate cottons and light, cheerful colors, or even hip-hugging jeans.
One day she returns from a luncheon date with Father Dewis to find that a young woman in hip-hugging jeans, a total stranger, seems to have taken possession of her house.
A few years ago, for example, it followed the trend in hip-hugging jeans by creating low-rise workout pants.
Tight, dark blue jeans, hip-hugging and flared just right.
The demographic ran the gamut from twittering tween girls in hip-hugging jeans to staid elderly couples.
Nearby, the prodigal founder of Hotmail, Sabeer Bhatia, was holding court with several pretty young things in hip-hugging jeans and stiletto heels.
Would he buy his wife, Libby, hip-hugging jeans for $20?
Other take-away points in the show were hip-hugging jeans with three zippers across the front, worn with a black lace T-shirt and a black boucle jacket.
The V.I.P. areas, which themselves followed a pecking order, were packed with strapping men in tight shirts and svelte women in hip-hugging jeans.
Beneath her coat she wore a rocker-chick ensemble - black camisole, hip-hugging jeans with a studded belt and pointy boots.