So which tracks do you think could convert rap-phobic Radio 4 listeners into hip-hop heads?
That means no Rozay in the stockings of hip-hop heads this Christmas season.
But "Mama Said" turned Jin into a hip-hop head.
Like many young hip-hop heads, he regarded hip-hop, with its appeal to whites and blacks, as a bold modern hope to ease some of the abrasiveness between the races.
He began shoplifting fat laces, fake gold jewelry and markers and selling them to hip-hop heads.
I looked in the windows of Flatbush jewelry stores that catered to hip-hop heads.
There wasn't a bigger hip-hop head than me.
How a chorister, grunge-metal drummer, electro fan and a hip-hop head came together to become one of the most exciting bands for 2012.
If you're a hip-hop head and a fan of M.I.A., chances are you've already heard of Rye Rye.