You see them pulling up to McMansions in the suburbs and to hip-hop clubs downtown, making a statement before the truck comes to a halt.
His friends lived in the city, and he drove downtown on weekend nights to dance at hip-hop clubs.
It's next door to a hip-hop club, so at first I was a little skeptical.
At the beginning of the 90s, his debut consisted of DJ-ing in hip-hop clubs.
"Most hip-hop clubs are meat markets," she said, sipping a cosmopolitan.
Art Bar is a hip-hop club.
Though rap was his music, he said, he liked to unwind here rather than at a hip-hop club.
For years, I was the only white dude in hip-hop clubs.
As adults they went to hip-hop clubs on Long Island.
He began performing freestyles and selling his own mix tapes on the streets, in hip-hop clubs and wherever else possible.