While it has never been clearly official, certain hints have suggested that the Warners may also come from a royal family.
The most widely watched report on holiday video game sales is not due until Thursday, but early hints suggest that it may hold a few surprises.
Recent hints of an increase in real incomes suggest that affluence may be more widely shared this time around.
No smudge or hint of a shadow suggested the presence of the boy.
The other unit goes to an unknown female user, though hints suggest it is Manami.
Its nature remained unclear throughout the game, though hints and speculation suggested it was some form of advanced technology.
Only the slightest hint of a pause suggested any thought considered by Brekylt.
The hints I had gathered suggested that those old boys had not been nice fellows.
Its hint of a theme, love thwarted by fate, suggests a neo-romantic strain.
"The hint of sage and musk suggests the victim is male."