Yvonne, "nimble of wit, could never understand how folk failed to capture the mind hinting from her brother's eyes."
After that, the further transmissions from Farside would have accumulated to hint of an Earth significantly different from that which the surveillance reports had described.
Scarlet, hearing of the planned performance, expressed a wish to see it, and hinted at interest from other of the worldship's people.
Atypical of their material thus far, it also hinted at Barlow's imminent return from the backwoods.
It can hint at the Annual Academy Graduation of students and the admittance of news students from others.
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Even her father hinted to a messen- ger from General Higekuro at what he thought might be your deeper reasons.
The grinding thunder in the night had been nearer than ever before, but there was still nothing to hint at its real distance from the city.
The comment was unsettling, hinting at the family's fall from wealth.
It also hints, in everything from the set to the soundtrack, at a finely tuned sensibility, a high-low, here-there globalism.