A second set of segments hinged open around the first, followed by a third.
The unguarded iron-bound wooden gates were hinged open, and did not look as though they had been closed in years.
With his thumb he pushed across the breech-locking mechanism, and the weapon hinged open.
The enameled back hinged open to reveal a gold cover plate and a smaller two-handed watch face.
He threw up his hands as the jaws hinged open to engulf his head.
The helmet of his emergency suit was hinged open, bouncing on his chest.
At that moment the door was hinged open into the dark space above it.
Her jaw hinged fully open and she took all of the man into her mouth, holding him there as he began to shake.
The gigantic jaws were hinging open, and in a moment one or both of them would be snapped up.
The demon's lower jaw dropped on a double joint instead of hinging open at the back the way a human's would have.