The entire front hood section hinged forward to allow easy access to the engine, transmission and front suspension.
The entire canopy hinged forward to allow access to the four seats.
For repairs, the entire cab hinges forward to allow maintenance access.
This seated two in tandem, under a framed, forward hinged, single piece canopy.
The cabin has a large, forward hinged, one piece canopy with trapezoidal windows aft.
The entire canopy hinged forward to assist access to the small cabin.
Entry is via the large, forward hinged, two piece canopy.
Two double-length doors hinge forward when opened and spread from the cabin like the wings of a butterfly.
On the other side of the door Mr. Pebble's ear hinged forward in its anxiety to catch the Major's answer.
The main body tub was bolted to the chassis and the whole front end hinged forward to allow access to the engine.