The hillside path which they were following became narrower all the time and the drop on their right hand became steeper.
The narrowest, poorest alleyways glow with flames, lighting up the hillside paths.
At the first opportunity, she slipped away from the campus and made her way up the hillside path to the sculpture garden.
But I headed straight for a grassy hillside path called the Salt Way, so named because in medieval times salt was conveyed along it.
He snagged a pre-breakfast roll from the kitchen on the way through, and walked out along the hillside path to the garden-and-graveyard.
The choice of a hillside path was Taiters's, the uncomfortable compromise.
The thorny privet and overgrown vines whipped and scratched at Janson as he raced down the winding hillside path.
Impatient, many headed up a hillside path that crosses over into Kosovo, in partial sight of the Germans, the rebels and the Albanians.
They walked together along a terraced hillside path.
By 2 o'clock, a line had stretched up the hillside path.