His characters were every man, and every woman, frequently sitting in their kitchen and living room making poignant and sometimes hilarious comments about the world around them.
He is the best part of Project: Runway, with my fave designer Michael Kors and his hilarious comments a close second.
(Our pet name for ours is 'Fatty' after your wife's hilarious comment that it's just in there getting fat in the third trimester.)
He is the one with hilarious comment.
Besides one-star ratings and plenty of hanz, there is no shortage of hilarious broken-English comments.
Agnitha Xavier - Saskatoon, Canada - 6 days ago The only reason I click on these articles is to read the hilarious comments.
To understand Mr. Grigorovich's ballet, one should look at the real thing - the 1920's Soviet film comedies in the Museum of Modern Art in which Soviet mores are subject to hilarious and witty comment.
At first Brendan had clever, often hilarious comments to make about their 'starvation diet', but then he became as fascinated as they by what could only be called the 'behavior' of the Junk.
Alan, Neil, I've just seem your hilarious comments on the Swan Lake blog here, which I thought was closed long ago, and so, we do really need our Wandering Dog Blog, don't we?
One or the other of us initiated an exchange of caustic and (so it seemed then) hilarious comments on this jumble of real, pseudo-, anti-, and simple non-science.