There's another one that goes back to Highway 50 west of here.
Another section of highway west from Clements was built in 1928.
The main terminal is 18 minutes from the city in the fast lane of the highway west to Giron.
Construction was completed in 1987, though some have lobbied to extend the highway west of Dayton.
The remainder opened to traffic on December 26, 1951, taking the highway west almost to the Ohio state line.
For several days in April, local people protesting the relocation plan have blocked the main coastal highway west of here.
Sure they hadn't been followed, they continued their journey toward Albuquerque on the old highway west of the interstate.
It was rerouted in the mid-1960s to bypass Granville on a new highway west of the village.
The two, who have not been identified, were apparently shot late Monday on a highway west of Baghdad after their vehicle broke down.
The same year, a portion of the highway west of Woodville was paved.