MOVES2010 is now available for analysis of air pollution emissions from highway vehicles.
Ever since 1951 Washington has taxed diesel fuel used in highway vehicles.
While widely regarded as specific to off highway vehicles, it actually covers all public motorized use on all Forest Service roads and trails.
Formulations used in highway vehicles are limited to 500 parts per million of sulfur and by 2006 will drop to 15 parts per million.
Millsite State Park offers access to off highway vehicle and mountain bike riding areas.
At a 2-mile off-road hazard course, they set up a typical highway vehicle and cut into one tire.
Off highway vehicle route miles: 261 (420 km)
Recreational opportunities include camping, boating, swimming, fishing, and nearby off highway vehicle riding.
The park is dedicated to recreation with off highway vehicles.
Early hybrid systems are being investigated for trucks and other heavy highway vehicles with some operational trucks and buses starting to come into use.