The experiences are quite different, not least because the highway skirts the cliff-lined southern coast, whereas the train tracks remain well inland.
The highway skirts a secret military test site called Area 51.
The highway skirts a reservoir, above which looms a small, conical-shaped hill.
Iowa 920 headed east towards Walker, where the highway skirted the edge of town by curving to the south.
The highway skirts rural areas west of Central before entering the community of Six Mile.
The main highway between Zaragoza and Madrid skirts the northern edge of the settlement.
The highway enters Turangi and skirts the southern edge before ending on SH1.
The highway skirts the western shore of the lake.
Provincial highway 11 also skirts the southeastern section of the lake.
The highway skirts the western edge of the lake named Silver Lake and provides access to local roads at the lakeside.