If highly rewarded individuals take drugs because their success seems false and empty, there are always liquor bottles into which they would probably otherwise crawl.
Somehow golf has gotten to the point where inaccuracy isn't punitive because distance is so highly rewarded.
Was it perhaps partly, because these lofty untouchables seemed to be highly rewarded for doing a terrible job?
The fact that a position is highly rewarded does not necessarily mean it is functionally important.
Davis and Moore have tended to assume that the most highly rewarded positions are indeed the most important.
As a result, professionals are highly rewarded.
Since lawyers increasingly serve 'a thin upper crust and financial interests' they are highly rewarded.
"This is because English is so dominant and so highly rewarded."
Which begs the question why they're so highly rewarded, of course.
The winners of the border races will be highly rewarded.