We were supposed to be up and running in a nice Peer1 highly redundant secure colocation facility a month ago.
However, in such case we loose the compact description offered by orthogonal wavelets - the representation is highly redundant.
Current transcript information still largely consists of anonymous and highly redundant ESTs.
For example, suppose the final goal is to classify images with highly redundant pixels.
How can such well-designed, highly redundant systems fail so catastrophically?
But when the current administration took over, they closed down half the trails in the crater as being highly redundant, which they were.
Yet every single query has a user-agent header which is highly redundant.
You've got all that HTML representation, which is highly redundant.
Arranging the engines in an array allows for distributed, highly redundant thrust, thus increasing reliability.
However, when summarizing multiple documents, there is a greater risk of selecting duplicate or highly redundant sentences to place in the same summary.