Start with a white primer in most cases, or use a tinted primer if you are using a highly pigmented color.
The frequency of occurrence is 15 times higher in highly pigmented people.
The shadows are highly pigmented and come in an array of beautiful colours.
The manufacture de Nast was also in the forefront of developing new highly pigmented color glazes.
Germ paintings are small paintings created on agar plates using highly pigmented bacteria.
While initially one cannot tell that there is anything on the plate, the highly pigmented bacteria cultures create a vivid image after appropriate incubation.
Matt Rinard works primarily in gouache a highly pigmented and opaque watercolor.
Bilirubin is a highly pigmented compound that is a by-product of haemoglobin degradation.
Engineer's blue is a highly pigmented paste used to assist in the mating of two or more components.
There could be a highly pigmented section of skin, or a discoloration somewhere.