This is a highly non-linear process and small changes in voltage will quickly cause the number of emitted electrons to saturate.
Because the human auditory system is highly non-linear, noise levels vary with time and frequency characteristics of the audio signal.
Flow is highly non-linear in transonic regime dominated by moving shock waves.
The theory is described mathematically as a set of highly non-linear equations that are extremely difficult to solve without approximations.
Due in part to the bistable and highly non-linear nature of the devices, they can be fed a starting signal from either direction.
The movie features a highly non-linear story line with repeated surreal references to the ocean and beach.
He has several points of criticism against mainstream economics, the main one being that equilibrium models are not fitting for a highly non-linear world.
Although the film has highly non-linear structure, most consider it easy to follow.
The plates were highly non-linear and often produced faulty flux measurements.
The consequences of these features is that relationships in a business system are highly non-linear.