The national church's web site posted a highly laudatory story about the event, quoting several of the 300 attendees at the event, including Bishop Love.
The highly laudatory account of Publius's death found in Plutarch suggests that Apollonius's biography was a source.
Queeg read in a choked voice a highly laudatory description of Maryk.
It is a court panegyric and highly laudatory of its namesake.
Hence, Skylitzes's narrative focuses in detail on his career and is highly laudatory of the general and his achievements.
He was afterwards able to read his highly laudatory obituary notice, which occupied two columns of The Times on 17 July 1900.
The vida is highly laudatory of Ferrarino's contributions to Occitan poetry.
I think that saying prayers before each mission is a very moral and highly laudatory procedure, sir,' he offered timidly, and waited.
The press reports presented highly laudatory and emotional accounts of the mass exodus of Vietnamese away from the communist north.
Rob Thomas, writing for the Capital Times, was highly laudatory.