The Administration, trying to ward off highly intrusive new regulation of the markets by Congress, is trying to get its regulators to speak with one voice.
It was not clear whether this took place before or after at least one thorough, highly intrusive search of Ortega's office.
It would also provide for highly intrusive inspections to guard against cheating by the Iraqis.
The game has been criticized for its highly intrusive product placement.
But even with this limited access, our preliminary review reaffirms how little this highly intrusive and disruptive investigation has in fact yielded.
CAD$140,000 in legal costs, describing their lawsuit as "highly intrusive".
Still, he is nowhere near embracing the necessary alternative: arms control accords that would impose highly intrusive inspections on all parties.
Moscow has suggested some highly intrusive forms of inspection that the Pentagon opposes.
She was passed a private investigator's report on her private life, which described as "highly intrusive".
The practice of suttee, hypotised by Gimbutas is also seen as a highly intrusive cultural element.