Acne may be a case of a few spots and blackheads, or it can be a highly distressing skin disease with redness, inflammation, pimples and even scarring.
The trouble is, these market gyrations have consequences: they are highly distressing to investors' psyches and exceedingly costly to their portfolios.
Why, or whither she intended to go, does not appear; but, as her situation seems to have been unexceptionable, it is a sad thing, and of course highly distressing to Lady Susan.
The hoarding behavior is unwanted or highly distressing 3.
Discrimination Sexual and racial discrimination can be highly distressing and can take a variety of forms - you may be refused a job, miss out on promotion or suffer harassment by your employer or colleagues.
In the final minutes of life, each baby was suffering from agonal gasping and violent body spasms, which was highly distressing for the parents to witness.
Emphasize that depression is an illness and that treatment with drugs or psychotherapy, or both, can relieve its highly distressing and life-disrupting symptoms.
For some women, it is a highly distressing problem that undermines their self-esteem, disrupts their social interactions and affects their job performance.
In the same way that the lancing process is painful, re-living the trauma can be highly distressing for the patient, and memories of the pain can be physically felt.
It was a highly distressing sight.