Whole Cottonseed serves as a highly digestible feed which also improves the reproductive performance in livestock.
Whiskas Kitten Food is highly digestible, important when a small stomach has to meet a large energy need.
A by-product of cheese production, whey contains proteins that are highly digestible and relatively complete.
It is both healthy, thanks to the ingredients used, and dietetic, thanks to the light and highly digestible delicacies it employs.
This can be carried out by, amongst others, the use of highly digestible feed materials including the use of high quality inorganic feed phosphates.
Rice protein, when made from the whole grain, is a complete protein source that is highly digestible and allergen free.
In dogs failing to gain weight or continuing to show symptoms, modifying the diet to make it low fiber and highly digestible may help.
Because it is highly digestible (due to the small size of its starch grains), purées and soups made from it are considered excellent for babies and children.
Chicory is highly digestible for ruminants and has a low fiber concentration.
So I developed this staccato style for him, where the stuff was put in a highly digestible form.