For instance, a loan is typically more valuable to the borrower than the lender, and in negotiating it the participants represent these highly asymmetrical payoff matrices.
The basin is highly asymmetrical, the beds dipping more steeply on the west side than the east.
Flash memory, in particular, is a highly asymmetrical device.
The losses in the battle were highly asymmetrical.
The specific name refers to the highly asymmetrical astragalus of this species in distal view.
The interrelationship is highly asymmetrical.
The original Indeo codec was highly asymmetrical, meaning that it took much more computation to encode a video stream than to decode it.
As the star drifted by, its gravity could have pulled the material into its highly asymmetrical shape.
Khegh bared two rows of discolored, highly asymmetrical teeth.
Finally, the highly asymmetrical plasma cross sections and tightly wound magnetic fields require very high toroidal currents to maintain.