I was told recently about a school that wanted to buy a set of highlighter pens.
She pulled a highlighter pen from the pocket of her overalls and looked in her notebook.
My books have written comments and highlighter pen throughout.
A new company called Keeboo is bringing yellow stickies and highlighter pens to the Web.
The relevant passage had been colored with a highlighter pen.
Could only have been better if it came with a highlighter pen to reveal the answers as you go along.
It is the world's largest manufacturer of highlighter pens, Stabilo Boss.
Students are allowed to use scratch paper and highlighter pens during the contest.
Burkett lost 2 yards, which brought out all the highlighter pens in the press box to mark the play for questioning later.
Messy slashes of luminous yellow highlighter pen picked out the pornography production, sales and distribution operations.