The discovery also highlighted questions that scientists still cannot answer with certainty.
The event will highlight questions from parents, educators and others from across the country.
Now, the disclosure that Mr. Purcell was awarded $22 million in total compensation last year highlights questions about his strategy and performance.
Instead, it highlighted fundamental questions that have been raised about the transplanted American political talent.
The study highlights several questions that illustrate students' shortcomings.
Asaro uses the character to highlight questions of humanity in asking what happens to soldiers who are turned into weapons.
The skipping between the two time periods highlights, then resolves, questions about the identity of the corpse and the means of their death.
The mistake highlights lingering questions about the competence of the Internal Affairs Bureau and its ability to police the department.
I think that the crisis in Iraq has highlighted important questions about what happens the day after the crisis, whenever that may be.
The Council's draft budget also highlighted other questions.