Rodrigues's stories highlighted his revolutionary views and were usually directed against perceived social evils and social customs and systems, which he found degrading.
Her campaign highlights not only her position on education but her views on the need to preserve rent protection.
On the campaign trail, Mr. Fossella highlights his views on fighting terrorism.
Brash used the speech to highlight his views on both the fiscal and social costs of entrenched welfare-dependency:
But the letter spent more time highlighting Mr. Kempthorne's negative views of off-reservation casinos.
She maintains a personal website containing numerous postings highlighting her conservative political views.
Besides advocating dismantling the Board of Education and giving control of the schools to the mayor, Mr. Saffran highlights his views on public safety issues.
Huckabee, an ordained Southern Baptist minister, has highlighted his religious views during his time as governor, and in some of his presidential campaign advertisements.
The shows highlighted his independent political views, his sense of humor, and unique communication style.