It also continues to be among the highest-rated games, according to Game Rankings.
In the highest-rated games - the final games of each series - attendance dropped about 15 percent.
Television sports analysts say the highest-rated games begin after 9 p.m.
The highest-rated game this season was the opener between Denver and St. Louis, which rated a 15.3.
GameStats has listed it as the fifth highest-rated game of all time.
To this day, it remains the highest-rated game in the history of televised college basketball.
At the time, O'Neal also predicted the Dec. 25 reunion would be "the highest-rated game ever."
Games played on this day have been some of the highest-rated games during a particular season.
Through Friday, the network's highest-rated game was the United States' first match, against Czechoslovakia.
The highest-rated game was the seventh, which drew 32.5.