His annual salary of more than $185,000 made him the city's highest-paid employee, according to the mayor.
For 1989, the report said, Drexel's 50 highest-paid employees received an average of $3.5 million each - 6 percent more than in 1988.
All the highest-paid employees in the division were men, the suit contends.
On the forms, Georgetown must list the compensation of its five highest-paid employees other than officers, directors and trustees.
Q: Your company used to have a salary system where the highest-paid employee made no more than five times the lowest-paid one.
He is the highest-paid employee of the Legislature, receiving a salary of $102,988.
Like most companies, Office Depot has long made sure that its chief executive was the highest-paid employee.
His total pay was £6.1m, down on the £10m he received a year ago when he was the highest-paid employee of the bank.
In those countries, teachers are among the highest-paid salaried employees.
In 1998, the top 200 highest-paid employees received $193 million from salaries, bonuses, and stock.